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How to Read a Research Paper?

I fully agree with S. Keshav's paper titled " How to Read a Paper " and have no further insights to offer.
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Comments in a Code v/s Code Readability

Recently, I earned Readability (a Google certification for language expertise) in Java and JavaScript. Over the past few months, I have been a Readability reviewer for most of the code that is typically checked in by my team to Google's codebase. I am an exhaustive code reviewer. I only accept code that adheres to the highest standards and best practices. (Okay, enough of blowing my own trumpet!) One of the most popular questions that I usually receive is, "Shall I add a comment here to make things clear?" Most of the time, my answer is a clear " No !" I am writing this small write-up to explain the reason. I truly believe that writing code is very similar to writing a very simple story without any twists. The variables are the characters. Expressions provide a characteristic feature to a character. Each function narrates a conversation between variables, much like an act in a play. While reading a novel, the reader's mind tries to guess what could be coming...

Taking Notes

Over the last 100 days, my learning curve has been incredibly steep. Note-taking has always been a habit of mine, dating back to my first year of college. I've always enjoyed writing down what I've learned. Jotting down notes provides me with a sense of finality and reinforces my understanding. It also helps me quickly revisit and refresh concepts when needed. I have amassed over 50 notebooks filled with notes on computer science and other areas of interest. I meticulously preserve these notebooks and carry them with me wherever I go, hoping to revisit them someday. However, upon reflection, I've realized that many of my notes suffer from some significant shortcomings: Outdated Information : The field of computer science is constantly evolving. Consequently, many of my notes are now outdated. While notes on fundamental topics like C++, Java, Algorithms, and Design Patterns remain relevant, others, such as those on Hyperledger, Git, Networking, JavaScript, TensorFlow, Num...

Calling C++ Native Code from Java

Recently, I encountered significant trouble finding a good article that completely explains the process of calling a C++ native function from Java. I conducted some experiments and finally succeeded. I will be sharing the instructions step-by-step. In this article, I will present a very basic example of taking an array of numbers as input in Java, computing their sum using a native C++ code, and then printing the output back to the console using Java. I will keep the article concise and encourage you to explore the official documentation if you encounter any issues. I will be using Windows and GCC compilers for this demonstration. A 32-bit C++ compiler is compatible with a 32-bit Java compiler, and a 64-bit C++ compiler is compatible with a 64-bit Java compiler. MinGW does not publish x64 versions of GCC compilers for Windows (it is only available for Linux). Therefore, if you are using Windows, ensure that you install the 32-bit Java version. I am also assuming that you are using JDK ...

Rendering Performance Evaluation - Android SDK vs React Native

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The Switch-Case Fall-through

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Setting up DC Hub on Raspberry Pi

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